RVEC’s operations are carried out under the policies established by the Board of Directors. Each Director represents a geographical area of the cooperative’s service territory called a district. RVEC has seven districts and each Director is an active member of the Cooperative and obtains his or her electricity from the Cooperative just as every other member-owner does.
• Seven directors serve on the Board of Directors
• Each director is nominated by the membership
As a member-owned cooperative, the Annual Meeting provides an opportunity for member-owners to hear reports from officers, receive a financial update, ask questions and learn the results of director elections.
At the beginning of each year, a nominating committee (members elected by fellow member-owners) seeks candidates to run for the board. Eligible candidates willing to run for the board will appear on the official ballot for the corresponding district.
The election of directors for the RVEC Board of Directors takes place each year at the Annual Meeting (September) of members. Each co-op membership is eligible to cast one ballot during the annual cooperative election process. An official notice of the annual meeting and a corresponding ballot is mailed to each membership's address on file. The membership may use the mailed official ballot and envelope to vote in advance of the annual meeting. Typically, each district will elect one director and up to three nominating committee members to represent the corresponding district.
The directors must reside in and receive service from the cooperative at a location within the District which they represent. Directors shall be elected to serve three (3) year terms.
Directors are compensated on a per diem (per day) basis and reimbursed for business-related travel expense. This compensation comes with responsibilities.
• Provide strategic direction for the cooperative
• Oversee financial integrity of the cooperative
• Attend educational training workshops
• Actively represent the cooperative and its member-owners
• Attend monthly board meeting and annual industry meetings
The board is charged with setting the general policies under which the cooperative operates.
The monthly board meetings are typically held at 28725 Highway 30, Glidden, Iowa, on the 3rd Wednesday for each month, but are subject to change.
Members can address the board at its monthly meeting. A member should first visit with the CEO concerning any subject on which they wish to address the Board. In many cases, the CEO may be able to satisfy the concern or request. If it is the member's desire, after discussion with the CEO, to present the subject matter to the Board, then the member should request to be placed upon the agenda and give written notice of the subject matter upon which they desire to address the meeting. Such written notice shall be received at the headquarters of the Cooperative on or before fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting date. When the request is received, the CEO will convey the request to the President of the Board. The Board President will determine whether the member shall be allowed to address the Board. The President (or CEO at the direction of the President) will in any event respond to the member's request in writing, and if granted, notify the member of the date and time the member is to appear before the Board.
Rates charged by RVEC are established by your Board of Directors—with the advice of engineering consultants, accountants, and electric rate specialists. All factors that contribute to the cost of providing service are tabulated and projected, including but not limited to:
• Cost of wholesale power
• Cost of operating and maintaining the distribution system
• Accounting and sales expense
• Administrative expense
• Depreciation on the investment in power lines, equipment and facilities
• Taxes
• Interest on long-term debt
• Margins
All income in excess of the cost of providing electricity to members is allocated back to the members in the form of patronage dividends. The Board sets the standards for how this is handled.
To contact any member of the board, please call 712.659.3649 / 800.253.6211 or email the individual director(s) at the email address listed below.