The Raccoon Valley Electric Cooperative (RVEC) Board of Directors has decided to hold a "business-only" Annual Meeting in 2024 on the evening of September 25, 2024, at 6:00 p.m. at the Glidden headquarters, 28725 Hwy. 30, Glidden, Iowa. The RVEC Board of Directors listened to your comments concerning cost control and decided to conduct the Annual Meeting as a business-only meeting (no meal, entertainment, presentations, membership gifts, or prize drawing).
RVEC member-owners will receive an election packet (mailed August 21, 2024 – ballot, Notice of Annual Meeting of Members, 2023 Annual Meeting minutes)
Only ONE vote will be accepted per membership
Vote with mail-in ballot - NO voting will take place during the meeting
Your ballot must be received in the office by Wednesday, September 25, 2024, by 4:00 p.m.
Your vote COUNTS! Meeting quorum requirement for Annual Business Meeting
RVEC’s Annual Report will be in the September issue of Iowa Electric Cooperative Living magazine, or you can view it here.
“Democratic member control is one the seven key cooperative principles,” said Raccoon Valley Electric Cooperative CEO Jim Gossett. “As a member-owned electric cooperative, our member-owners play an important role in helping set the co-op’s direction. We rely on member-owners to elect directors to represent them and determine the co-op’s policies and priorities. We encourage member-owners to participate in this year’s board election and make their voices heard.”
RVEC’s board is comprised of 7 directors, one from each of the co-op’s seven districts. Directors serve three-year terms.
The 2025 business-only Annual Meeting is scheduled for September 17, 2025, at the Glidden headquarters, 28725 Hwy. 30, Glidden, Iowa, with more details to come.